تفاوت میان نسخه‌های «مدیاویکی:Gadget-Edittools.js»

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(صفحه‌ای جدید حاوی «// <source lang="javascript"> /* EditTools support: add a selector, change into true buttons, enable for all text input fields The special...» ایجاد کرد)
(۲ نسخهٔ میانی ویرایش شده توسط ۲ کاربر نشان داده نشد)
خط ۱: خط ۱:
// <source lang="javascript">
* EditTools support: add a selector, change <a> into buttons.
* The special characters to insert are defined at [[MediaWiki:Edittools]].
* @author Arnomane, 2006 (on the commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Edittools.js)
* @author Kaganer, 2007 (adapting to www.mediawiki.org)
* @author Krinkle, 2012
* @source www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-Edittools.js
* @revision 2012-02-29
* https://fa.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D9%85%D8%AF%DB%8C%D8%A7%D9%88%DB%8C%DA%A9%DB%8C:Gadget-Edittools.js
/*jslint browser: true*/
/*global jQuery, mediaWiki*/
(function ($, mw) {
"use strict";
var conf, editTools, $sections;
EditTools support: add a selector, change into true buttons, enable for all text input fields
The special characters to insert are defined at [[MediaWiki:Edittools]].
// Globals: getElementsByClassName, hookEvent, addEvent (from wikibits.js)
conf = {
initialSubset: window.EditTools_initial_subset === undefined ? window.EditTools_initial_subset : 0
if ( typeof( EditTools_set_focus ) == 'undefined' ) {
editTools = {
var EditTools_set_focus = true;
if ( typeof( EditTools_set_focus_initially ) == 'undefined' ) {
var EditTools_set_focus_initially = EditTools_set_focus;
* Creates the selector
setup: function () {
var $container, $select, initial;
if ( typeof( EditTools_initial_subset ) == 'undefined' ) {
$container = $('#mw-edittools-charinsert');
var EditTools_initial_subset = 0;
if (!$container.length) {
$sections = $container.find('.mw-edittools-section');
if ($sections.length <= 1) {
// Only care if there is more than one
var EditTools = {
$select = $('<select>').css('display', 'inline');
createSelector: function() {
var spec = document.getElementById( 'specialchars' );
if ( !spec ) {
var sb = getElementsByClassName( spec, 'p', 'specialbasic' );
if ( sb.length <= 1 ) {
return; // Only care if there is more than one
var sel = document.createElement( 'select' );
initial = conf.initialSubset;
sel.style.display = 'inline';
if (isNaN(initial) || initial < 0 || initial >= $select.length) {
// sel.setAttribute( 'onchange', 'EditTools.chooseCharSubset( selectedIndex, true );' );
initial = 0;
// Apparently, this doesn't work on IE6. Use an explicit event handling function instead:
sel.onchange = EditTools.handleOnchange;
var initial = EditTools_initial_subset;
$sections.each(function (i, el) {
if ( isNaN( initial ) || initial < 0 || initial >= sb.length ) {
var $section, sectionTitle, $option;
initial = 0;
for ( var i = 0; i < sb.length; i++ ) {
$section = $(el);
var o = document.createElement( 'option' );
sectionTitle = $section.data('sectionTitle');
// Ugh. We have encoded Unicode characters in the names...
var id = sb[i].id.replace( /.([0-9A-F][0-9A-F])/g, '%$1' ).replace( /_/g, ' ' );
if ( i == initial ) {
o.selected = 'selected';
o.appendChild( document.createTextNode( decodeURIComponent( id ) ) );
sel.appendChild( o );
spec.insertBefore( sel, spec.firstChild );
$option = $('<option>')
.prop('value', i)
.prop('selected', i === initial);
( wgAction != 'submit' ) &&
EditTools_set_focus_initially &&
( wgCanonicalNamespace != 'Special' || wgCanonicalSpecialPageName != 'Upload' )
handleOnchange: function( evt ) {
var e    = evt || window.event;     // W3C, IE
var node = e.target || e.srcElement; // W3C, IE
EditTools.chooseCharSubset( node.selectedIndex, true );
return true;
chooseCharSubset: function( selected, set_focus ) {
var sb = getElementsByClassName( document.getElementById( 'specialchars' ), 'p', 'specialbasic' );
* Handle onchange event of the <select>
EditTools.makeButtons( sb[selected] );
for ( var i = 0; i < sb.length; i++ ) {
* @context {Element}
sb[i].style.display = i == selected ? 'inline' : 'none';
* @param e {jQuery.Event}
if ( set_focus && EditTools_set_focus ) {
handleOnchange: function () {
var txtarea = EditTools.getTextArea();
if ( txtarea ) {
fixateWidth: function() {
return true;
var edit_bar = document.getElementById( 'specialchars' );
if ( !edit_bar ) {
// Try to fixate the width of that bar, otherwise IE6 may make it wider, which will lead to
// a table re-layout on the upload form resulting in the right column extending beyond the
// right edge of the window.
edit_bar.setAttribute( 'width', '' + ( edit_bar.clientWidth || edit_bar.offsetWidth ) );
edit_bar.style.maxWidth = '' + ( edit_bar.clientWidth || edit_bar.offsetWidth ) + 'px';
// If we're inside a table, fixate the containing table cell, too.
var parent = edit_bar.parentNode;
while ( parent && parent != document.body && parent.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'td' ) {
parent = parent.parentNode;
if ( parent && parent != document.body ) {
parent.setAttribute( 'width', '' + ( parent.clientWidth || parent.offsetWidth ) );
parent.style.maxWidth = '' + ( parent.clientWidth || parent.offsetWidth ) + 'px';
makeButtons: function( section ) {
var edit_bar = section || document.getElementById( 'specialchars' );
* Toggle the currently visible section
if ( !edit_bar ) {
* @param sectionNr {Number}
* @param setFocus {Boolean}
var links = edit_bar.getElementsByTagName( 'a' );
// 'links' is a *live* collection!
chooseSection: function (sectionNr) {
var b = null;
var $choise = $sections.eq(sectionNr);
while ( links.length ) {
if ($choise.length !== 1) {
b = document.createElement( 'input' );
b.type = 'button';
b.style.fontSize = '0.9em';
b.style.paddingLeft = '1px';
b.style.paddingRight = '1px';
b.style.marginLeft = '1px';
b.onclick = links[0].onclick;
b.value = links[0].firstChild.data;
var parent = links[0].parentNode;
parent.replaceChild( b, links[0] ); // This removes links[0] from links!
b.blur(); // IE6 insists on marking some buttons as having the focus...
var margin_added = false;
// Remove text nodes (nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE, but IE6 doesn't know that...)
// Insert some spacing where desired.
while ( b.nextSibling && b.nextSibling.nodeType == 3 ) {
if ( !margin_added && b.nextSibling.data.search( /\S/ ) >= 0 ) {
b.style.marginRight = '4px';
margin_added = true;
parent.removeChild( b.nextSibling );
enableForAllFields: function() {
// Making these buttons is a little slow,
if ( typeof( insertTags ) != 'function' ) {
// If we made them all at once the browser would hang
// for over 2 seconds, so instead we're doing it on-demand
// for each section. No need to do it twice thoguh, so remember
// insertTags from the site-wide /skins-1.5/common/edit.js just inserts in the first
// in data whether it was done already
// textarea in the document. Evidently, that's not good if we have multiple textareas.
if (!$choise.data('charInsert.buttonsMade')) {
// My first idea was to simply add a hidden textarea as the first one, and redefine
$choise.data('charInsert.buttonsMade', true);
// insertTags such that it copied first the last active textareas contents over to that hidden
// field, set the cursor or selection there, let the standard insertTags do its thing, and
// then copy the hidden field's text, cursor position and selection back to the currently
// active field. Unfortunately, that is just as complex as simply copying the whole code
// from wikibits to here and let it work on the right text field in the first place.
var texts = document.getElementsByTagName( 'textarea' );
for ( var i = 0; i < texts.length; i++ ) {
$( texts[i] ).focus( EditTools.registerTextField );
// While we're at it, also enable it for input fields
texts = document.getElementsByTagName( 'input' );
for ( var i = 0; i < texts.length; i++ ) {
if ( texts[i].type == 'text' ) {
$( texts[i] ).focus( EditTools.registerTextField );
insertTags = EditTools.insertTags; // Redefine the global insertTags
last_active_textfield: null,
registerTextField: function( evt ) {
var e = evt || window.event;
* Convert the <a onclick> links to buttons in a given section.
var node = e.target || e.srcElement;
if ( !node ) {
* @param $section {jQuery}
makeButtons: function ($section) {
EditTools.last_active_textfield = node.id;
var $links;
return true;
getTextArea: function() {
if (!$section.length) {
var txtarea = null;
if ( EditTools.last_active_textfield && EditTools.last_active_textfield != '' )
txtarea = document.getElementById( EditTools.last_active_textfield );
if ( !txtarea ) {
// Fallback option: old behaviour
if ( document.editform ) {
txtarea = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
} else {
// Some alternate form? Take the first one we can find
txtarea = document.getElementsByTagName( 'textarea' );
if ( txtarea.length > 0 ) {
txtarea = txtarea[0];
} else {
txtarea = null;
return txtarea;
insertTags: function( tagOpen, tagClose, sampleText ) {
$links = $section.find('a');
/* Usability initiative compatibility */
$links.each(function (i, a) {
if ( typeof $ != 'undefined' && typeof $.fn.textSelection != 'undefined' ) {
var $a, $button, start, end;
$( '#wpTextbox1' ).textSelection(
$a = $(a);
'encapsulateSelection', { 'pre': tagOpen, 'peri': sampleText, 'post': tagClose }
$button = $( '<input>' ).attr( 'type', 'button' );
start = $a.data( 'mw-charinsert-start' );
end = $a.data( 'mw-charinsert-end' );
if ( start !== undefined && end !== undefined ) {
var txtarea = EditTools.getTextArea ();
$button.click( function( e ) {
if ( !txtarea ) {
editTools.insertTags( start, '', end )
} );
var selText, isSample = false;
} else {
$button[0].onclick = a.onclick;
$button[0].value = $a.text();
function checkSelectedText() {
insertTags: function ( pre, peri, post ) {
if ( !selText ) {
var current = $( '#wpTextbox1' );
selText = sampleText;
if ( current && current.length ) {
isSample = true;
} else if ( selText.charAt( selText.length - 1 ) == ' ' ) { // Exclude ending space char
'encapsulateSelection', { pre: pre, peri: peri, post: post }
selText = selText.substring( 0, selText.length - 1 );
tagClose += ' ';
if ( document.selection && document.selection.createRange ) { // IE/Opera
// Save window scroll position
var winScroll = 0;
if ( document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop ) {
winScroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
} else if ( document.body ) {
winScroll = document.body.scrollTop;
// Get current selection
var range = document.selection.createRange();
selText = range.text;
// Insert tags
checkSelectedText ();
range.text = tagOpen + selText + tagClose;
// Mark sample text as selected
if ( isSample && range.moveStart ) {
if ( window.opera ) {
tagClose = tagClose.replace( /\n/g, '' );
range.moveStart( 'character', - tagClose.length - selText.length );
range.moveEnd( 'character', - tagClose.length );
// Restore window scroll position
if ( document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop ) {
document.documentElement.scrollTop = winScroll;
} else if ( document.body ) {
document.body.scrollTop = winScroll;
} else if ( txtarea.selectionStart || txtarea.selectionStart == '0' ) { // Mozilla
// Save textarea scroll position
var textScroll = txtarea.scrollTop;
// Get current selection
var startPos = txtarea.selectionStart;
var endPos  = txtarea.selectionEnd;
selText = txtarea.value.substring( startPos, endPos );
// Insert tags
txtarea.value = txtarea.value.substring( 0, startPos ) +
tagOpen + selText + tagClose +
txtarea.value.substring( endPos );
// Set new selection
if ( isSample ) {
txtarea.selectionStart = startPos + tagOpen.length;
txtarea.selectionEnd = startPos + tagOpen.length + selText.length;
} else {
txtarea.selectionStart = startPos + tagOpen.length + selText.length + tagClose.length;
txtarea.selectionEnd = txtarea.selectionStart;
// Restore textarea scroll position
txtarea.scrollTop = textScroll;
}, // end insertTags
setup: function() {
} // end EditTools
}(jQuery, mediaWiki));
// Do not use addOnloadHook; it runs *before* the onload event fires. At that time, onclick or
// onfocus handlers may not yet be set up properly.
hookEvent( 'load', EditTools.setup );
// </source>

نسخهٔ کنونی تا ‏۸ ژوئن ۲۰۲۳، ساعت ۱۳:۱۶

 * EditTools support: add a selector, change <a> into buttons.
 * The special characters to insert are defined at [[MediaWiki:Edittools]].
 * @author Arnomane, 2006 (on the commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Edittools.js)
 * @author Kaganer, 2007 (adapting to www.mediawiki.org)
 * @author Krinkle, 2012
 * @source www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-Edittools.js
 * @revision 2012-02-29
 * https://fa.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D9%85%D8%AF%DB%8C%D8%A7%D9%88%DB%8C%DA%A9%DB%8C:Gadget-Edittools.js
/*jslint browser: true*/
/*global jQuery, mediaWiki*/
(function ($, mw) {
	"use strict";

	var conf, editTools, $sections;

	conf = {
		initialSubset: window.EditTools_initial_subset === undefined ? window.EditTools_initial_subset : 0

	editTools = {

		 * Creates the selector
		setup: function () {
			var $container, $select, initial;

			$container = $('#mw-edittools-charinsert');
			if (!$container.length) {
			$sections = $container.find('.mw-edittools-section');
			if ($sections.length <= 1) {
				// Only care if there is more than one

			$select = $('<select>').css('display', 'inline');

			initial = conf.initialSubset;
			if (isNaN(initial) || initial < 0 || initial >= $select.length) {
				initial = 0;

			$sections.each(function (i, el) {
				var $section, sectionTitle, $option;

				$section = $(el);
				sectionTitle = $section.data('sectionTitle');

				$option = $('<option>')
					.prop('value', i)
					.prop('selected', i === initial);




		 * Handle onchange event of the <select>
		 * @context {Element}
		 * @param e {jQuery.Event}
		handleOnchange: function () {

			return true;

		 * Toggle the currently visible section
		 * @param sectionNr {Number}
		 * @param setFocus {Boolean}
		chooseSection: function (sectionNr) {
			var $choise = $sections.eq(sectionNr);
			if ($choise.length !== 1) {

			// Making these buttons is a little slow,
			// If we made them all at once the browser would hang
			// for over 2 seconds, so instead we're doing it on-demand
			// for each section. No need to do it twice thoguh, so remember
			// in data whether it was done already
			if (!$choise.data('charInsert.buttonsMade')) {
				$choise.data('charInsert.buttonsMade', true);


		 * Convert the <a onclick> links to buttons in a given section.
		 * @param $section {jQuery}
		makeButtons: function ($section) {
			var $links;

			if (!$section.length) {

			$links = $section.find('a');
			$links.each(function (i, a) {
				var $a, $button, start, end;
				$a = $(a);
				$button = $( '<input>' ).attr( 'type', 'button' );
				start = $a.data( 'mw-charinsert-start' );
				end = $a.data( 'mw-charinsert-end' );
				if ( start !== undefined && end !== undefined ) {
					$button.click( function( e ) {
						editTools.insertTags( start, '', end )
					} );
				} else {
					$button[0].onclick = a.onclick;
				$button[0].value = $a.text();

		insertTags: function ( pre, peri, post ) {
			var current = $( '#wpTextbox1' );
			if ( current && current.length ) {
					'encapsulateSelection', { pre: pre, peri: peri, post: post }



}(jQuery, mediaWiki));